Speaking about life and death

GS, Parlando della vita e della morte, 2013, olio su tela, 125x125 cm

GS,Speaking about life and death, 2013, oil on canvas, 125×125 cm

Speaking About Life and Death This painting connects several topic on which I’m working on. It begins from the middle, from the table, as Still Life, that for me is a microcosmos of society, crystallized objects produced from the human labour. I after decided to let someone sit at the table, as my cultural background, Italian, this action symbolizes communication and relation through nourishment. Around the table are four black women speaking about life and death. First and formost this is a tribute to all women, as well as all men and women of Africa. As new “beauty canon”, as wish of new cultural discourse. Represented through remembrance- association, slavery and social injustice, racism and discrimination, all causes that bring to violence and then death and because of this under the table, under the feet, there is a skeleton. Dedicated to all women and men that bravely migrate searching a possibility of life by challenging death.